Out and about little bit.

I was up until about three this morning working on house plans and other stuff. Unfortunately I was unable to sleep in as I needed to take Luke to school this morning. Liz had a meeting during that time. After dropping him off I drove down to Cedar Direct in Chapel Hill to discuss lumber. Then I went home. I just relaxed all afternoon, hung out with Luke once he returned, and will try to go to bed early tonight.

Laying low.

First thing this morning I went to Kroger and Walgreens before returning home. I removed my bandages, cleaned my wounds, and rebandaged myself. There was only a little discomfort during that process. Liz and Luke went to Franklin and I talked on the phone with my father-in-law for most of the morning. This afternoon I just relaxed and worked on my accounting for the houses. We had a later than usual dinner after Liz and Luke returned. He had gotten a haircut after school.

Mixed news from the doctor.

I called the hand surgeon as instructed this morning and was told to come in and they would try to see me. So I did and was seen promptly. First my bandages were removed, which was quite painful. My fingers looked pretty rough. The PA came and looked at them and took a few pictures to show the surgeon. She returned and had me move my fingers a bit, which I did to her satisfaction. She told me that there would probably be no long term loss of function, but not to work for a month. The nurse rewrapped my hand, I scheduled another appointment for next week on my way out, then I drove home. I spent the rest of the day mostly in bed. I listened to a little bit of some Mike Rowe podcasts and also started the latest episode of Magnum PI, although I couldn’t really get into it. I don’t think I will really follow the Tide tonight. I just don’t have the energy for that.


Yesterday afternoon I ran my hand through the tablesaw. It hurt. Fortunately I was able to drive myself to the hospital in Sewanee about fifteen minutes away. There I was stitched up and sent on my way. They gave me a prescription for antibiotics, which I will take, and a prescription for narcotic painkillers, which I won’t. My friend Dennis was kind enough to drive me to CVS, Piggly Wiggly, and the cottage. I slept fitfully last night. This morning I took some extra strength liquid Tylenol, which helped tremendously. My dad drove up to get me and took me home. I was mostly in bed for the rest of the day. I need to call the hand surgeon tomorrow morning to schedule an appointment. Will miss a chunk of work I’m sure. Overall though I’m pretty fortunte.

Another great snow day.

No fresh snow overnight, but there was still plenty on the ground today to go sledding. Luke really enjoyed pushing Liz down the hill and chasing after her. We also played inside a lot. He overall did really well today.

Epic snow day.

Luke came into our room pretty early this morning to snuggle. When we got out of bed it had only just started snowing. But boy did it come down. Huge flakes at a rapid pace, and soon everything was white. Luke and I played inside until Liz took an early lunch break and we all went sledding. Luke had so much fun going down the hill in our front yard. First he went with Liz, then with me, before deciding he wanted to go alone. The new sled was great and the snow perfect. The incline was just the right balance of speed and safety too. After lunch we played inside some more and did a little caulking until Liz got off work. She raked snow with Luke while I cleaned my office, then we all went sledding again. He again had a blast. Dinner was earlier than usual in an effort to get him to bed at a reasonable time. He did okay during his bed time routine and did go to sleep before 7:30. I have been working on receipts this evening.

Preparing for the snowpocalypse.

It was a busy day. Luke and I read and played this morning, and also worked on a lot of projects. Some of them involved the big red ladder, which he was really excited about. After lunch we went to Port Royal to play, because it was actually really pretty weather. We followed up with a trip to the Spring Hill Kroger, which wasn’t as horrible an experience as expected. Back at the house we worked and played until Liz got off work.