Sleepy Saturday.

It’s a pretty nasty day outside. Lots of rain and dark skies. I drove down to the far at the crack in order to check on the (lack of) progress. I returned in time for Luke’s first feeding. We also gave him a bath. He was pretty relaxed until the very end at which point he started crying. Perhaps he just got a little cold. Drying him off and putting him back in clothes calmed him back down.

It’s too bad about the rain because it would be nice to take him on another walk today. At least it’s supposed to be clear tomorrow. He hasn’t really been fussy yet today, but we are only just coming up on two o’clock. I had a little nap this morning but am still pretty tired. Luke and Liz are sleeping now.

The view from the back.

I did a bit of tractor work today, and went into the back field for the first time in ages. The view from the very back corner was pretty cool. It was neat to not see the road and it made the property seem huge. There is more slope back there than I realized. It will be fun once the field is mowed and also once the goat sheds and pens are built.

Extra fussy.

Luke has been a real terror these past few days and nights. Just going nuts and not sleeping at all. Only nursing seems to calm him, but he starts screaming again as soon as he is finished. He isn’t really crying in the picture below, although I took plenty of photos today when he was.

One month.

Luke turns one month old today. He has been smiling a little bit, although I have yet to capture it on camera. He is also starting to get pretty fussy.

Springing hard.

Well, it seems like we are finally leaving winter behind. It was supposedly 38 degrees outside this morning, but that nonsense looks to be finished. Wednesday is supposed to deliver a high of 85. Everything is really green and lovely now. The farm is looking great. I’m sure Monteagle is beautiful too, but unfortunately I have not been able to make it up there recently. Maybe in a couple of weeks. The rain is also allegedly coming to an end for the time being. Good construction weather!


Today marks four weeks of young Luke’s post womb existence. He celebrated by going to the dentist to check on the results of his tongue tie procedure (it looks great, just one more week of exercises) and by wearing his Spider Man outfit for the first time. He also ate a lot. The dentist (or rather her assistant) said that we could do tummy time four to five times a day. So we did that once this afternoon and hope to get into the habit of doing it more.

Starting to take shape.

Today was day three for the masons. They are supposed to finish up this afternoon, and had made good progress when I left around noon. It sure is nice to see those block walls going up. It is finally starting to look like a house. We should get an inspection later this week and have the framers come at the start of next week. I really like the way the house sits. I think it will look pretty good once it is finished. The porch and deck should both be fantastic. The garage is going to be a little bit of a challenge though. The platform connecting the doors is going to be higher than I thought, and it might be rather difficult to arrange the stairs.

It will be a huge relief once the house is framed and roofed. Then it will be time for me to take over and start really working. I am rather nervous about the framing though. I hope that my designs are accurately constructed. It would have been easier to use off the shelf plans, but I couldn’t find one that met our needs. An architect drawn plan would have been too expensive. So we are just sort of winging it.


Well, actually it wan’t a miscalculation, more like a failure to check things out. I decided to go downtown to photograph the full moon rise. The timing was going to be perfect, but unfortunately the moon didn’t rise where I was hoping it would. Rather than coming up over the downtown core like it did in January, it rose more to the southeast, in a rather boring location. Oh well, it was still a beautiful evening and it felt great to get out of the house.

Sunday action.

Luke has started to deviate from his every three hour feeding schedule that has served us so well over the past week and a half or so. I am hoping this means he will start eating more during the day and sleeping more at night. We are still feeding him a mix of formula and breast milk as Liz attempts to increase her milk output. We bought a scale off of Amazon and will use it to track his weight gain. He has been pooping and peeing without concern for the cost of diapers.

We went on another walk this afternoon. One downside of these bright sunny days is the bright sunny sun. We kept the cover on his stroller closed so that he didn’t get blasted by rays. Hopefully we will get some overcast days soon so that he can enjoy the outdoors in all its glory. Maybe tomorrow we will try to go to the park for a longer, more peaceful walk.

He just got another bath. No crying.

Tomorrow we go back to the dentist to make sure that he is progressing well after his tongue tie procedure. I sure hope it hasn’t fused back together! We have been diligent with the stretches though, and the lactation consultant said things were looking good.

Another walk and GIFs galore.

We took advantage of the beautiful weather this afternoon and strolled around the condo complex. I hope that Luke enjoyed the excursion. We also introduced him to our neighbor Sherry who was kind enough to drop off some clothes for him a couple of weeks ago.

I recently learned that when I take a bunch of pictures in succession, Google Photos sometimes makes a little animation. A couple of them are below. I hope they display properly. Update: you have to click on them to see the action.