Fun on the Mountain.

This morning Luke came and got us out of bed. After breakfast we drove up to Monteagle to spend the day with my family. First we went to the farm on campus to see the goats and walk around Lake Cheston. Back at the cottage Luke played with the train set and then we had lunch. After lunch my parents, Lauren, and Wild Dog left, and we went to see the house I’m working on. Luke helped take the paper off the windows and picked up a lot of scrap wood off the porches. After returning to the cottage and packing up, we drove home via Fayetteville and Lewisburg. I packed up and drove back to Monteagle so I can work tomorrow.

Happy Black Friday.

Luke slept in a little this morning and I did some online shopping before he woke up. After breakfast we played a bit and Liz prepared some food for tomorrow’s Thanksgiving dinner. After lunch we drove to a Christmas tree farm in Shelbyville where we bought the biggest live tree that they had. Luke enjoyed watching me cut it down and carry it back to the car. This evening we started setting up and decorating it.

Giving thanks.

We started the day with Legos and pancakes. Then we played some more, video chatted with my mother and Lauren, ate lasagna, read, video chatted with Liz’s parents, then my parents again, had dinner, and did the bed time routine. Unfortunately the rain kept us inside.

Making the most of the week’s last work day.

I got to the job site around seven this morning and worked on the back porch ceiling for three hours or so. I made great progress and am hopefully just a day away from finishing it and the front porch. After packing up my tools I went to the dump, gas station, and lumberyard. Next I went to the cottage to clean it and pack up. After another stop at the Lumberyard and a visit to Dollar Tree for some munchies, I started to prepare for painting. Covering up all the windows took a little longer than expected, but eventually I finished. Setting up the lights and heater went quickly. Finally I was ready to paint. I didn’t bother with the closets, but everything else took a little under two hours. After painting I sealed up the house and let the heater run. In the meantime I brought over the rest of the pine porch ceiling lumber from next door and set it on the back deck. After packing up I went to the cottage and chatted with Lauren for a bit. I also played with Wild Dog. My parents returned from campus and I talked with them for a bit before returning to the cottage to shut off the generator and heater. I drove home via the Chick-fil-a in Tullahoma. My shower felt great and I hope to go to bed soon.

Not the day I had planned on.

This morning I was preparing to go to work when Liz texted saying that Luke was sick, and asking me to call her. I did, and it was determined that I would come home and watch him while she worked. The drive was uneventful, with a stop at Marcy Jo’s bakery in Chapel Hill. It was unimpressive. At home Luke and I played until lunch, then he took a short car nap afterwards. This afternoon we had a video chat with my parents and played some more. When Liz got off work I drove up to the Mountain. I’ll just read and clean some at the cottage this evening. Hopefully tomorrow will be a very productive day before I head home for Thanksgiving.