David and the electricians both rolling along.

I was a little slow getting going this morning, but arrived at the job site a few minutes after eight. After unloading some tools and supplies I started installing the bathroom floors. That was rather frustrating but did end up going pretty well once I got my strategy down. Thy look pretty good too. The electricians came this afternoon and got a lot done. They will probably be all caught up by tomorrow. It was still very warm today and I worked in shorts and a t-shirt. After it got dark I went to the storage unit to pick up a few things, then drove down to Home Depot in Winchester. After buying a few things there I stopped at Food City for some groceries. Back at the cottage I have just been relaxing and working on some checklists. I hope to go to bed fairly early tonight.

Christmas hangover.

We all slept in a little bit this morning, which was nice. After breakfast I went to Lowe’s and Aldi for a few things. We spent the rest of the morning playing with new toys and relaxing around the house. This afternoon we went to a playground in Spring Hill for a bit. I kind of tried to nap after that, but was unable to. Before dinner I loaded up my car to prepare for my trip to the Mountain later. Luke was pretty well behaved this evening and is going through his bed time routine with Liz now.

Merry Christmas.

I was up until about two this morning doing stuff on the computer. Luke came to our room early and snuggled with us until about 6:30. Then we opened stockings, played some, ate waffles, opened presents, talked with Liz’s parents, played some more, talked with Liz’s younger brother, went to church with my parents, had lunch at Lauren’s house, and came home. It was a pretty tiring day, but Luke enjoyed it. He did pretty well for himself in the present department. Tonight he was a handful though, probably just over tired and over stimulated.

Christmas Eve.

We had a busy day. This morning I went to TJ Maxx and Bargain Hunt, then by the vet’s to get something for Lilly. After breakfast Luke and I changed out a couple of smoke alarms and did a few other little projects. That took most of the day, along with some playing. We also went to Target and Home Depot for a few things. Overall it was a pretty good day. Luke was well behaved and enjoyed helping me work on stuff. He is getting excited for Christmas.

Same work, new location.

Luke slept in a little later than usual this morning, which was nice. After breakfast I took trash to the dump and then we started working on some small projects around the house. Those included hanging pictures, bolting in shelves, caulking, repairing drywall, and more. Luke enjoyed helping. This afternoon we went to Lowe’s and a few car dealerships to browse for trucks. This evening was pretty normal. Luke got a little wild but went to sleep without fuss because he was so tired. I just returned from a miserable trip to Kroger. Unfortunately they were all out of egg nog.