New year, still here.

Luke was up pretty early this morning, so everybody else got going as well. We went to the park at Port Royal for a while. After lunch I went into town to look for some flooring, but Zach’s place was closed. I drove up to Spring Hill and visited the bookstore and Home Depot before returning home. Luke and I worked on a couple more projects including installing a board and hanging curtain rods in his room. He was pretty well behaved today and went to bed without trouble tonight.

Challenging day.

This morning Liz and Luke made breakfast cookies. First we went to Kroger for gas, then drove up to 100 Oaks. We looked at flooring at a couple of places, took Luke to a playground, then went to Patel Brother’s grocery. We cut our trip short because Liz started to have headaches. Back at home Luke had a major meltdown that lasted nearly an hour. This afternoon Liz ran some errands and Luke and I took down the Christmas tree and decorations. We also played with some Legos. Dinner went well and bed time was long, but he is asleep now.

Last work day of the year.

I got a better night’s sleep last night, thankfully. This morning I cleaned the house a bit, ran errands all over, and did a little office work. This afternoon I cleared some trees in front of the house and where the septic lines will go. I left the cottage around three and drove home. It was good to see Luke and Liz. Luke was pretty amped up. Liz is putting him to bed now.

Long night, longer day.

Well, last night was pretty miserable. I was relegated to the “sleeper” sofa and probably got about three hours of sleep total. So I was kind of dragging this morning. My first task at the house was to glue down the sinks to the vanity tops. Next I started screwing down the subfloor. That task was interrupted when some folks came by to look at the house. I had talked to them a couple of days ago, and they wanted to see the inside. They loved it, but unfortunately it was out of their price range. Next my dad came by with some old family friends who looked around and chatted a bit. After working a bit more I drove down to Manchester Home Depot to get some light bulbs and several things for the plumbers. Unfortunately much of what I needed was unavailable. On the way back I stopped at the market in Pelham for some food. I spent about four more hours finishing the screws. It was about eight by the time I left. I am now exhausted and already a little sore. I have just been relaxing and talking with my family here in the cottage living room.

David and the electricians still rolling along.

I left the house about 7:30 this morning and went to the storage unit, lumberyard, back to the cottage, to the dump, and finally to the job site. My first task was to craft some wood pieces for three overhead lights. I worked on a bunch of other little tasks over the course of the day. The electricians returned and got all caught up. They also installed toilets and sinks/faucets. I am really pleased with how things are looking. This evening I just cooked dinner and have been relaxing at the cottage. My parents and Lauren are coming up soon, so I cleaned everything.