
We are finally getting into the swing of things. Dropping off and picking up Luke from school is now going much more smoothly. He likes for Liz and I to alternate days on who drops him off. On my drop off days I try to go for a hike at Yanahli afterwards. Once sufficiently sweaty I usually return to the house and do chores such as cleaning the kitchen. Next I run errands or work on things around the house like overhauling the garage and my office. Then I start “work”. Recently that has been preparing a house design and budget to potentially build a home for a lady at church. Today I am updating my business website. After lunch I usually prepare a dish in the slow cooker and then work until it is time to pick Luke up from school. Liz and I try to go together to get him, then we all go to Yanahli. Liz and I walk while he usually rides in the stroller. Back at the house Luke and I play while Liz works some more. We all eat dinner together and then try to work on a puzzle for a little bit together. Next we clean up and read books, then Luke has a bath. I do some computer stuff but try to finish by eight. Then I read some.

Summer’s gone.

Not by the traditional definition, but Luke started Pre-K nearly three weeks ago. So far he seems to really enjoy it. I have finished work on the Mountain and am now back in Columbia full time, trying to figure out what’s next. This week has been pretty hot, in the upper 90’s and sunny. It’s been a couple of weeks since our last rain. I’ll try to get better about writing, but in the meantime here are some pictures.

Our friend Charles.
Fireflies in Sewanee.
Clouds in Shelbyville.
Old Stone Fort, Manchester.
Old Stone Fort, Manchester.
Sunset over Cowan.
Garage before.
Bad day at the office.

Staying busy.

I have not thought to write here for a bit, but now it came to my mind, so here I am. We have been doing summery things. Luke continues to keep everybody entertained.

First Buc-ee’s experience.
Finishing a 1000 piece puzzle.
Befriending the goats on campus.
On the way to Lake Dimmick.