I got another late start and arrived at the job site around 6:30. I cleaned up a little and finished packing my tools. I also spent some time talking with the Mexicans who were working on the balconies. I finally hooked up my trailer and headed to Columbia just as it started raining. Fortunately the rain didn’t follow me and the drive was pretty relaxed. As soon as I unhooked my trailer it started pouring though. I probably should have run some errands in town, but will do so tomorrow instead. I decided to drive back to the condo and see Luke. My schedule is about to get crazy again, so I wanted to spend some more time with him before that happens.
I didn’t take any pictures today, but the four units look pretty good. Outside they did some grading and poured footers for the steps today. The guys also continued work on the balconies. The inside is just about ready to begin painting. Overall it was a good four weeks, but I’m glad to be done. The farmhouse needs my attention!