Getting used to the new camera.

During this afternoon’s tummy time I decided to pull out the real camera. I’m kicking myself for not doing so sooner because a) I needed the practice and b) he is growing and changing at a rapid pace. And part of those changes include the acquisition of some serious infant acne. So yeah, he looks a little rough, and the extremely high resolution of my new camera doesn’t do him any favors. But he is still cute. Unfortunately I am still getting used to the focusing system of the 80d and while  it is much more sophisticated than my Rebel, it also has a bit of a learning curve.

I need to start messing with the lighting as well. Probably putting him on the bed would provide a better effect. I found a few articles online about photographing newborns, and I need to read those. He seems to do his best expressions when I’m changing him and don’t have my camera or phone handy. I need to just keep one nearby.