We are finally getting into the swing of things. Dropping off and picking up Luke from school is now going much more smoothly. He likes for Liz and I to alternate days on who drops him off. On my drop off days I try to go for a hike at Yanahli afterwards. Once sufficiently sweaty I usually return to the house and do chores such as cleaning the kitchen. Next I run errands or work on things around the house like overhauling the garage and my office. Then I start “work”. Recently that has been preparing a house design and budget to potentially build a home for a lady at church. Today I am updating my business website. After lunch I usually prepare a dish in the slow cooker and then work until it is time to pick Luke up from school. Liz and I try to go together to get him, then we all go to Yanahli. Liz and I walk while he usually rides in the stroller. Back at the house Luke and I play while Liz works some more. We all eat dinner together and then try to work on a puzzle for a little bit together. Next we clean up and read books, then Luke has a bath. I do some computer stuff but try to finish by eight. Then I read some.