Another huge batch of pictures.

Below are more pictures taken since last April. These are more general life stuff, again with captions. It has been a wild ride over the past several months. Everybody in the family got the ‘Rona, Luke continues to go to school and love adventure, and I am still working on houses.

The moon from the Templeton Library.
Turkey in the back yard.
Field at Liz’s parents’ house.
Lake Jackson, Sewanee.
Lake Dimmick, Sewanee.
Bookshelves for my office.
Nearly finished gray house.
Lewisburg area.
Surprise in the front yard.
Hornet nest.
View from my friend Rob’s lot.
Blue house kitchen.
Moonrise near Huntland.
Newt at Lake Cheston.
Lake O’Donnell.
Sunset from the Templeton Library.
Green’s View, Sewanee.
Our back field.
New ride.
Thanksgiving at the Hiawassee.
Chapel, Sewanee.
Liz’s parents’.
Mad Mama, Grand Rapids.
Liz’s parents’ again.