As expected, we didn’t get on the road until fairly late, almost ten to be exact. The morning was spent eating breakfast, packing, and saying goodbye. The drive was pretty simple other than a couple rounds of heavy rain. We had lunch at Panera in South Bend, made a gas stop, and stopped to use the bathroom a couple of times. Luke enjoyed himself and did really well considering the length of the drive. Sunset was quite pretty. We had stopped for “dinner” at a rest area in Kentucky when I took the picture below. Once home I unloaded the car and Liz bathed Luke and put him to bed. I will go to bed soon myself, as I am exhausted.
Last day in Michigan.
This morning after breakfast John and I worked on repairing some wood fencing. That pretty much lasted until lunch. Luke napped after lunch and John and I did more work outside. For dinner John and I picked us up some pizza in town, which we ate in the back yard. We stayed out until dark and I saw the most amazing meteor I have ever seen. Tomorrow morning we leave but there are a lot of things to do before we go.
Zoo day.
This morning was a bit slow. I kind of tried to sleep for most of it but wasn’t really successful. After lunch we all went down to the zoo in Grand Rapids for a couple of hours. Luke enjoyed that and the weather was great. This evening we just hung around the house.
Rainy but still fun.
After breakfast this morning we went outside and picked plums. It was very foggy and pretty. We came inside when it started raining and stayed in through lunch. Luke napped afterwards while John and I split and stacked firewood. After Luke’s nap we all went for a walk out back until it started raining. I showered and watched football with John until dinner, which came early this evening. Luke just had his bath and Liz is putting him to bed now. His activities today included peeing on a wall in the hallway and pooping in Lily’s litter box.
Luke turned three and a half years old today. Pretty wild. After breakfast we went for a little walk around the farm and rode on a hay wagon. Luke picked an ear of corn and thought that was pretty cool. We went to see his cousin Hannah play soccer and then returned for lunch. This afternoon we just hung around the farm and picked some more pumpkins. Luke enjoyed that. Tonight after he goes to bed Liz and I will go to the grocery store.