
I slept pretty well last night due to being exhausted from yesterday’s drive. Liz and I drove Luke to school, which was just a little difficult. He did well most of the drive until it was time to get out, then he cried a bit. I myself was ready to cry a little later when I was at the DMV updating my driver’s license. I guess it could have been worse, but it was still frustrating. I then went to the mechanic, Kroger, and gas station, and the vet’s. I messed around on the computer a bit before taking a very indirect route up to High Hopes to pick up Luke. He was very happy to see me and talked the whole way home. We read a new book from Miss Dolly when we got home, then everybody went to Yanahli park, although the mosquitos were so bad that we returned home almost immediately. I had made dinner in the slow cooker so we ate that. Liz bathed Luke and started the bed time routine and I came in and finished it. He wasn’t tired and wanted to talk for a long time but he eventually went to sleep. I am about to go to bed now too.