Fun and active Saturday.

Luke slept in a little this morning, which was nice for everybody. We got breakfast at the Dotted Lime and took it to the park by the farmers market to eat. After dining we went to the market for a few things. Luke was in a great mood and enjoyed seeing everybody. After dropping off our bounty at home and a quick video chat with my parents we went to Yanahli Park to hike on their new trail. It was really nice and featured a small pond, which Luke thought was great. Fortunately it wasn’t too hot out. We had a late lunch and Luke had an even later nap. Upon waking we took trash to the dump, which he thought was pretty awesome. I then mowed the back field for a bit until dinner time. There wasn’t much to clean up afterwards and now Liz is giving him a bath. I will do bed time, which might be challenging since he doesn’t seem at all tired.

Short day.

As has been the case most mornings this week, I was in no hurry to get out of bed this morning. I eventually did though, and after stopping at the lumberyard, worked at the job site for several hours. I returned to the cottage to shower, pack, and clean, then went next door to chat with Debbie for a few minutes. I drove down to Chapel Hill and picked up my last bundle of tongue and groove lumber before arriving home. Luke was waiting for me and we played until dinner time. Now Liz is putting him to bed.

Slow day, but nice weather.

Luke woke up early this morning and we played with Legos until breakfast. I left at the same time that he and Liz did, driving to the Mountain via Lewisburg, where I stopped at the auto parts store. At the cottage I read a little before going to the library to use their internet in the parking lot. I finally made my way to the job site and worked until nearly dark. I stopped at Piggly Wiggly on the way to the cottage and have just been relaxing and surfing the internet on my phone.

Feels like fall.

I had to put on a jacket this morning since it was a little chilly. The electrician were working when I got to the job site, and the inspector came a little later and passed us. That was a good feeling. I worked until about two, went to the cottage and showered, then drove home. Liz had called a tree guy out and he was waiting when I arrived. We discussed the health of our trees and he was very helpful. We will probably have him do some work for us. Luke and I played until dinner time and then we ate. He and Liz are doing bath time now.