Short day of siding.

Well, last night has horrible. After talking on the phone with Liz I started cramping up big time. I drank a bunch of water which eventually helped, but then I had to get up and pee all through the night. I woke up this morning feeling pretty tired, but we still got an early start. After dropping off my dad and the tools at the job site I went to the lumberyard for some trim and then returned and we got to work. Our objective was siding on the back wall. Despite it being very muddy and slippery we made good progress and finished in about 3.5 hours. My dad had to go home for a Bastille Day party, so I packed up, and got hammered by rain at the end. After taking the tools to the storage unit I showered and went to the post office and electric co-op before stopping at the Goat Market. I chatted with Eric for a bit then drove home. It was great to see Liz and Luke and we played until dinner time. We had a nice dinner and then cleaned up a lot before bath. I read Luke a book, prayed with him, then sang songs for the bed time routine. He is in bed now but probably not asleep.