Back on the Mountain, loving the beautiful weather.

This morning I hooked up my favorite military trailer and drove to Monteagle. I was meeting a guy from Georgia who was going to buy it. While waiting for him to arrive I split some firewood, which kept me warm. He came and was very friendly, and paid cash, so I was very pleased. I split some more firewood then went to CVS for some vitamin B12 syrup before going to meet a friend of a friend at her new property on the other side of town. It was a nice spot with an amazing view. She plans to build there. Next I went to see Debbie and stayed there for a pretty good while. Lots of customers came and bought a bit. After that I went to the Goat Market and chatted with Eric. Piggly Wiggly was my final stop of the day. I wasn’t as productive as I should have been, so will try to do better tomorrow. This evening I have just been working on materials lists for the houses and messing around on my phone.