Not a good start to November.

I got to the house pretty early this morning, though not as early as I could have since the time changed last night. I started moving dirt around and enjoyed having the dump trailer. Things were going well until I got the mini skid steer stuck. Then I got the tractor stuck. I took the dump trailer to the cottage, then came back and hooked up my car to the mini skid. Fortunately my neighbor Kelvin drove by as I was doing this, and he helped me pull it out. Then I was able to get the tractor out by using the bucket as a lever. So a huge relief that that ended okay.

I talked with Kelvin for a while then got back to moving dirt around. I ran the Harley rake a bit and covered up more of the septic tank. Early afternoon the buyer and his realtor came by for a final walk through. That went fine, then I got back to work until dark. After wrapping up I came over to campus and have been taking advantage of their internet. Getting hungry so I will go to Piggly Wiggly soon. Overall I’m feeling pretty good but am ready for this house to be done and closed on. It is supposed to be below freezing tonight and stay cold tomorrow.

I was too busy and/or frustrated to take any pictures today. Actually that’s not true, I took pictures of the house’s interior with my real camera. I’ll post them soon. Tomorrow will be a busy and hopefully productive day. I need to start by returning the rental equipment, then just work all day at the house. There is a good chance I will completely finish everything.