
I tried to sleep in this morning, but couldn’t, despite staying up very late as I finished reading a book. So I started the day by returning the rental trailer. But I stopped for breakfast on the way. It was at a little gas station that serves Mexican food and I had tamales. Delicious! After dropping off the trailer I went into Columbia to check out an estate sale and also visited Big Box. They had a nice bed that I took a picture of and texted it to Liz. She liked it and we will probably buy it, since the price was good. I returned to the house and the AT&T installation guy arrived as I was going inside. He stayed for several hours but eventually got our internet set up. So that is pretty awesome.

I installed more flooring and my dad worked on trim. Then we started installing doors together. I feel like they look pretty good. We probably got half of them done. The rest can’t be done until I finish the floors. After it got too dark to see we went into town for dinner. Back at the house I watched a couple of episodes of Hawaii Five-0 on my phone. It was warm today but rained pretty much all day long. They are calling for thunderstorms tomorrow.

Liz said that they made it up to Michigan without problems. Hopefully it won’t be too cold up there.

Officially homeless.

I slept pretty well last night and allowed myself to stay in bed until almost eight. Then I spent an hour putting down flooring before going and picking up the rental trailer. I drove up to the condo where my dad was waiting and we started loading up. Unfortunately there was two trips worth of stuff. We hauled most of the big furniture then came back for boxes and smaller stuff. There was some rain but never a downpour. We got everything loaded and trash thrown away. Liz, Luke, and her mother headed to Michigan. My dad went home and I stopped at the little Walmart parking lot and read for a couple of hours while waiting for rush hour traffic to clear. I finally got going and was able to unload everything at the storage unit. It was a long and tiring day. I had dinner at McDonald’s and then came back to the farm. I will read for a while before sleeping.

More floor.

I couldn’t get to sleep until after four this morning. I don’t know why but my mind was racing. So I slept just a little while and got out of bed around 7:30. It was cold then. Really cold. I fired up the propane heater and got to work. After putting down a bit of flooring I went to Big Box for more. Hauling it on my military trailer made me a little nervous, since it sits so high, but that height came in handy when it was time to unload. It was a bit of a challenge to tie in the master closet with the bedroom, and I’m still not totally pleased with it. I’ll try to tweak it a little more. Early afternoon I headed up to Cool Springs to sign the closing documents for selling the condo. That went well, the attorney was very friendly, but it did take about an hour longer than expected. Back at the house I put down more laminate and underlayment for about an hour until it was dark. Then I went into town and got dinner at Zaxby’s and stopped by Big Box again to speak with Zach about my remaining cabinets and vanities. Back at the house now and it isn’t too cold. I’ll read for a bit and hopefully get to sleep pretty early.

Full speed ahead with the flooring.

For some reason I dragged myself out of my nice, warm sleeping bag at about 6:30 this morning. I did at least run the gas heater though. I started putting down some underlayment, then moved on to the laminate. I worked until almost 9:30 and then returned my rented trailer. That was relatively quick and easy. After picking up some junk food at Dollar General I got back to work. And kept going until seven. It was a long day but I got a lot done. Tomorrow should be another good day. My only interruption should be going to get the last load of laminate. Tonight it’s already very cold. I put all of the paint in the master closet and am running the electric heater to keep it from freezing. Hopefully something will keep me from freezing!

More moving, more buying.

It was a long and busy day. I left the farm a little before six to return the lift to Sunbelt Rentals up in Franklin. Then I installed some underlayment before renting a uhaul trailer and going up to the condo. I loaded up a bunch of boxes and furniture, although not as much as I would have liked. Lots of stuff still isn’t packed yet. I drove it all to the storage unit and then dropped the trailer off at the farm. I went into town and ordered a piece of glass for the wood burning stove to sit on. Then I had dinner before going to Lowe’s and ordering appliances. We got a pretty good deal. My last stop was Big Box, where I picked up a pallet of flooring and talked to Alan for over an hour. Now I’m back at the farm and it’s beyond freezing.