Morning walk in the park.

I haven’t posted much about Luke recently, mainly because I haven’t been around too much. We have gotten in some quality time today though. A bit of that time occurred on the changing table. He had a couple of monster bowel movements this morning.

We took him on a walk at the AG center as well. Even by eight o’clock it was pretty warm and sweaty. It was very nice to be out though, and he seemed to enjoy it.

He spent a little time relaxing in the pack and play, but then got fussy.

Technical difficulties.

I’m dropping a bunch of new posts on here today. About a week’s worth or so. I had quite a backlog built up. My primary computer is my Chromebook and I left the charger for it in Monteagle a couple of weekends ago. My Windows laptop has a malfunctioning clock. One one hand that has been great, since it has allowed me to extend my trial of SketchUp pro well beyond the thirty day period. The problem is that Google’s apps raise a ruckus about the error, and so I am not able to access them. In this context I just need to access Photos. I have a WordPress app on my phone, but it is kind of a pain to use. So this afternoon I reset the clock on my laptop. It was nice to catch up on my posting (I already had the posts written, just needed to add pictures). I will deal with the loss of SketchUp pro. Fortunately I am finished with it in regards to the farm house. Hopefully we are going back to Monteagle this coming weekend and I can get my charger.

E duobus unum.

And two become one. I had tried to keep my “Life Blog” and my “Luke Blog” separate. I actually spent a lot of time and energy trying to do so. After much frustration I finally thought I has succeeded. I won’t get into the technicalities, but the problem was that even though the blogs were separate, the previous/next post listings at the bottom of each post showed posts from both blogs, regardless of which one you were looking at. There seemed to be a couple of solutions, but I failed when attempting to implement them. So I have given up and decided to merge the two. Actually I am about to try to do it. I need to remember what all I did to separate them in the first place.